Monday 5 May 2008

8 Tips for a Successful - Publisher Strategy

1. Reflect on 2007: What Worked? What Didn't?
Take some time to step back and examine how you did in 2007. There are two important questions to ask yourself when conducting this review:
What worked well for me in '07? and What could I have done better?
Are there any areas of your business that were neglected? Take a look at your actual performance in 2007 and compare it to past performance data.
Did you generate more sales this year than last year? Which categories saw an increase or decline? What about your EPC – has it improved in the last 12 months? What contributed to your successes, and how can you continue that success into the New Year? Ask yourself these questions and use the answers to improve your business in 2008.

2. Set Goals for 2008: What Do You Want to Accomplish This Year?

Setting goals is one of the most important things you can do for your business. After reflecting on 2007, set some high-level goals for 2008. Maybe you'd like to grow your overall sales by 10 percent. Maybe you'd like to establish 20 new advertiser relationships.
Whatever your goals are, it is crucial to think carefully about them and record them in some way. Write them on a piece of paper and tape it to the side of your computer monitor. Create a document and set a reminder to review these goals once a month. Find a way to keep your goals top of mind.

3. Gear up for Q1: Get Ready, Get Set, Go!

Once you've set some high-level goals for the entire year, it's time to dig in and nail down your plans for the first quarter. Make sure you are geared up and ready to get off to a great start. Have you planned which advertisers you will promote in the coming months?
Be sure to pay attention to advertisers in key categories that relate to consumers' New Year's resolutions, such as Dieting and Dating, and also to advertisers in the Tax category. Also, look ahead to some of the upcoming seasonal promotions such as the Super Bowl and Valentine's Day promotions.

4. Plan Your Networking Events for 2008: It's All About WHO You Know

Everyone knows that networking is a vital component of a successful business. As such, make it a priority to look at the calendar and plan out which industry events you would like to attend in the coming months.
By planning in advance, you can save yourself some money on flights, accommodations and other travel expenses. And you'll be able to look forward to events and prepare for them well in advance to make the most of each networking opportunity. Each event will enable you to establish, rekindle or solidify business relationships. Be sure to save a slot for CJU 2008 in the fall.

5. Review Your Web Site: How Are You Benefiting From That Analytics Package?
Take a look at your Web analytics reports from 2007. If you don't have any Web analytics for your site, this is a great opportunity to do a little homework and find a package you like. Google Analytics is a fairly popular package, and you can't beat the price. If you already have some kind of analytics package installed, review the data and look for ways to improve your site.
Are there certain pages that are converting better than others? T
ry to figure out what specific qualities are helping those pages convert and apply that information to improve other pages on your site. Are there other areas of your site that could use a little improvement? This is a great time to make those changes.

6. Get Some Feedback: Reach Out to Your Site's Visitors

If you are having trouble figuring out your next step or how you can grow your business, consider consulting the best resource you have – your site's visitors.
Reach out to your customers and ask them for feedback. Don't expect them to give you a definitive answer, but their input can help steer you in a new direction. You can post a brief Web survey to ask them what they like or don't like; or, you can contact users individually and try to get some more detailed feedback. Ultimately, these people are responsible for the success of your business, so it doesn't hurt to cater to their needs, when you can.

7. Promote Yourself: Try Something New

Your success depends on being able to bring visitors to your site. To that end, you can never do enough to promote yourself and your site. This is a great opportunity to test a new method of self-promotion. Take a stab at a paid search campaign.
Try sending a newsletter to your users. Consider sending out a press release. Build out a page on a social network. There are countless ways to get your name out there; why not pick one and give it a try?

8. Clean House in the CJ Account Manager: Is Your Information Up-to-Date?
Spend a few minutes reviewing all the information about your company in the CJ Account Manager. Verify that everything is accurate and up-to-date. This includes your contact information, address and payment information, as well as all the details for your various Web sites and promotional methods. While you're in there, have a look at your Performance Reports and find any relationships that were unproductive (i.e., any advertisers for whom you generated no sales in 2007). Spend some time evaluating the relationships to ensure that you are not missing an opportunity and try to jump-start those that still have potential. Finally, consider removing non-responsive relationships to help you focus on your more productive ones. While this may seem mundane and non-critical, a few minutes spent on this now can save a hassle somewhere down the road.

Source provided by: Commision Junction


Anonymous said...

That's very good tips. Thanks for sharing

Free Online Game

How to Make Money Online For Free

The best way to make money online for free is to get into affiliate marketing, which is to promote other people products and services.
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Google Adsense

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Next, you are going to drive tons of traffic to your affiliate pages using free channels and methods.

But before we talk about driving traffic, you are going to choose the right product to promote. Do some research to find out what things are hot currently and go to affiliate networks such as Clickbank to find a product that suits the trend. It is very important for you to focus on promoting one product first if you are new to affiliate marketing, before moving on to another winning product.

Now, let us talk about ways to drive traffic to your affiliate product page, strictly using free methods:

1. Create a Squidoo lens. Make sure that your lens is keywords optimized according to what you are promoting. The naming of the lens will play a big part on whether you will get to top of search engines.

2. Writing keyword-optimized articles. Research and gather keywords that are related to the products that you are promoting. Write an article for each keyword and make sure that it gets to prominent pages of search engines.

3. Create a report.
Create a short report which talk about the topic or product that you are promoting. Use free source to convert it to a PDF file, and distribute it for free on the Internet.

4. Forum postings.
Join relevant forums and include a signature to your affiliate product pages. Make sure that you do not spam but contribute informative ideas to the forum.

5. Classified ads.
Post free ads talking about the product that you are promoting on popular classified sites such as Craigslist.
These are just some free ways to drive traffic to your affiliate product pages. The quality of the product that you are promoting also plays a big part on whether you will get any sales out of it.


9 ways to let your blog/website noticed

With billions of web pages it can sometimes be hard getting yourself noticed. What can you do to stand out from the crowd? How can you get your web pages highlighted and sought after? Here are 9 ways in which you can get more attention for your web site.

1. Fill your web site with content
Your web site visitors are not interested in you, they are more concerned with their own world, their own problems, their own difficulties. If your web site is full of information that can help them cope in their world, remove their problems, or ease their difficulties, they will appreciate you. So, focus your web site on the content you provide. There are several ways you can do this. One is to provide a blog as part of your site, though you will need to update this at least daily if it is to have any real impact. An alternative is to have an articles section where you include more detailed information than you might have in a blog. You could also have in-depth reports that people download directly from your web site. However you do it, just focus your strategy on providing content - and lots of it. But the content must be practical, useful material that your readers can directly benefit from.

2. Use the words your web site visitors use
Whatever your web site is about, it will only attract attention if it is using the language of your target audience. If, for instance, you have a web site that offers "take-away foods" it is not going to get much attention in parts of the world where they call such things "carry-outs". In other words, your content must match your audience. Don't use the words and jargon you might use in your business, but use the words your potential customers use. If you don't know what they are, ask them. Also make sure you check the words that people will use to search for your site using Wordtracker.

3. Have a design that follows the standards
People have become used to certain online conventions - links in blue, underlined, for instance. Even though it may be tempting to appear different or unique, if you do not follow the standard conventions your web site becomes less appealing to people. So this means, for instance, having the navigation down the left hand side of the page, or along the top. It means having a footer on each page with your contact details. It means using the conventional colours to signal links, emails and so on. If you try to do something different you confuse your visitors meaning they are less likely to return and even less likely to tell their friends about your site.

4. Get your site listed in directories
People often use directories to find appropriate web sites. You need listing in all the relevant directories to your business. To find specific directories that you can get listed in, use a program like Internet Business Promoter. This helps you locate subject specific directories and manage your submission to them. Also, get yourself listed in DMOZ - it might take some time, be patient, but a listing here is helpful as many other directories and search engines use data from DMOZ. Getting a listing in the Yahoo Directory is also worthwhile paying for. Within seven days you could be listed on one of the most popular online directories.

5. Gain benefit from Wikipedia
One of the most popular online resources is Wikipedia - the online encyclopaedia edited by volunteers. Contributing content on your areas of expertise will help bring attention to you and your web site. You cannot simply put up a Wikipedia page all about your business - that would be considered "spam". But adding to existing pages, including your links where appropriate to relevant content on your web site, would be valuable to readers of Wikipedia and to your business.

6. Get links to your site
Having other people link to your site is essential. It shows that they trust you and like you enough to recommend you. Don't look for any old link; have a strategy to gain links from relevant sites that are also respected. A link on a relevant and respected site is worth many, many times more than a link on someone's site just because you happen to know them. So, if you are selling lawn mowers, get your site linked on gardening sites, web sites about grass growing and so on. Another way of generating useful links is to get your site bookmarked in and on Digg. Look for other social bookmarking sites like these in your spe******t field. Try also StumbleUpon and ReddIt. To find useful sites to link to your web site you need Internet Business Promoter's Arelis feature.

7. Get involved online
Take part in forum discussions, Google Groups, Yahoo Groups and other discussion sites. Contribute also to Yahoo Answers. In doing so you bring attention to your expertise and also you get the opportunity to add a link to your web site or some of your appropriate content. Also, be on the lookout for blogs to which you can add comments, again showing your expertise and adding links to your web site, bringing it even more attention. To find suitable blogs use Google Blog Search.

8. Use traditional Public Relations
Many web site owners focus all their efforts online, forgetting that the "offline" world is a great way to publicise their web site. Indeed, the owners of Google did a considerable amount of PR to get their venture up and running. So take a tip from them, get as much "offline" publicity as you can. Get yourself listed in Expert Sources - journalists use this to find people to interview. Also make sure your web site has a "media" page that has all your contact details, examples of the kind of media exposure you are available for, links to articles about you, radio programmes you have featured in etc. Also, your web site media centre will need a selection of high resolution photographs of you and your business as well as a short business and personal biography. Your media centre should also include your press releases, if you have them. Journalists look at your web site and if they see a media centre they realise you are "friendly" towards the media and therefore are more likely to approach you. You can also distribute press releases automatically using Press Equalizer.

9. Take part in social networking sites
Use sites like Facebook, MySpace and Ecademy to bring attention to your expertise. On Ecademy you can become a "club leader" for your particular topic and on Facebook you can set up spe******t groups on your area of expertise. By contributing to these sites - and others in your spe******t area - you bring even more attention to your web site. Furthermore, you make it easy for your online contacts to mention your web site to other people online, thus further promoting your site. For a list of sites you can work with go to this list of social networking sites.